Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Smilin' Girl

Got some good shots of Emma smiling today. Not too difficult since she smiles at everything these days. Paige enjoyed finger painting this morning. Her canvas was not what I had in mind, but it looked good on her. Weather's a bit cool again. Should have a dusting of snow tonight, but I think that will be it. Figures...already cleaned the garage floor. Hmph. A woman's work is never done...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh My~~Anyone know how best to wipe the drool off the PC screen. It's not pretty~!
Gotta love those toes, and that's the best darned paint canvas I've ever seen. Leave it to Paigey Pie. At least she doesn't follow in her Aunt Heather's footsteps and paint the entire wall of her bedroom. Wait...that may be next...Save me a corn dog! XXOO