Number of baby boys declining in U.S., Japan
www.msnbc.com - Health & Fitness - April 18, 07
Environmental toxins may be to blame, researchers say
Environmental toxins may be to blame, researchers say
Mother Nature has always ensured that male births outnumber female ones, but the gap has been gradually narrowing over the past three decades in the U.S. and Japan, according to a new study.
Researchers suspect the decline in male births can be explained, at least in part, by paternal exposure to environmental toxins, such as certain pesticides, heavy metals, solvents or dioxins — chemical byproducts produced during incineration or the manufacture of other chemicals.
Researchers suspect the decline in male births can be explained, at least in part, by paternal exposure to environmental toxins, such as certain pesticides, heavy metals, solvents or dioxins — chemical byproducts produced during incineration or the manufacture of other chemicals.
The changes may seem small, but the study authors suspect they are one manifestation of the effects of environmental pollutants on the male reproductive system.
Environmental toxins may be a common denominator here, according to Davis and her colleagues. Such exposures may specifically lower rates of male, rather than female, births for a few reasons. They may, for example, affect the viability of sperm that bear the Y chromosome, which determines male sex — or the viability of male fetuses.
Over the years, there have been a number of reports showing that heavy exposure to certain pollutants may affect a man’s likelihood of fathering a son.
Men in the Italian town of Seveso who were exposed to large amounts of dioxin through an industrial explosion in 1976 fathered significantly more girls than boys. Similarly, a study of workers at a Russian herbicide plant found that only 38 percent of children born to male workers were boys; female workers, on the other hand, had the expected ratio of male-to-female children.“The question is, what ... level of evidence do we need before we take action,” Davis said.
For now, she recommends that people who want to limit their everyday exposure to potentially harmful chemicals read the labels of the household products they buy. For example, she said, “avoid things that say ’fragrance’ but don’t tell you what it is.”
Alternatives include using the various “green” products on the market, as well as old-fashioned cleaning standbys like baking soda and vinegar.
Men in the Italian town of Seveso who were exposed to large amounts of dioxin through an industrial explosion in 1976 fathered significantly more girls than boys. Similarly, a study of workers at a Russian herbicide plant found that only 38 percent of children born to male workers were boys; female workers, on the other hand, had the expected ratio of male-to-female children.“The question is, what ... level of evidence do we need before we take action,” Davis said.
For now, she recommends that people who want to limit their everyday exposure to potentially harmful chemicals read the labels of the household products they buy. For example, she said, “avoid things that say ’fragrance’ but don’t tell you what it is.”
Alternatives include using the various “green” products on the market, as well as old-fashioned cleaning standbys like baking soda and vinegar.
YIKES!!!!!!!! Better stop using that vinegar on Paige's fingers and hang onto it to clean with, or maybe I can put it on Paige's fingers to get her to stop sucking on them and then have her clean with the "dippy" hand. I knew there had to be something going on...
I have to appologize for this post that was placed under my wife's name. Emma or Paige must have gotten into the computer, because I am sure my wife would be much to smart to place something so rediculous on an information station such as this. I will have a talk with the girls to make sure it doesn't happen again.
OK, but if the girls posted it, does that mean they want to have a brother so bad they want to make sure you understand what's going on so you can get it right? I think you might have a conspiracy on your hands.
WHEN we get pg, I don't think we'll find out the sex. Make it exciting.
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