Monday, March 12, 2007

Today's Micah's 31st Birthday!!

First of all, who the heck ever said brown eyes were dominant? Yeah right. We went to Sioux Falls yesterday. Micah got shoes for his birthday...just what he needed. :) Paige got a pack n' play for her babies along with two bottles for them. One with milk and one with juice. Very exciting. Mom got to eat at Olive Garden-YUM! Emma got diapers. It was a great day with minimal tears (even from dad).

I'm going to try to post a video clip later today. Dr's appt. today to look at red dot on my face which is acting a bit squirrely. It's probably nothing. The snow is melting very quickly. Heather and the boys need to hurry up and get here if they want to see any of the white stuff. Micah suggested we buy bags and bags of mini marshmallows to throw in the yard for them if the snow's gone. We'll see. I'm not too trusting of him lately as he pelted me with a snowball on Saturday afternoon. He's lucky today's his birthday.


Anonymous said...

Snow, snow go away...come again after Micah's birthday.
I love the baby bottle of juice (my fav) and the baby pack and play is AWESOME! Don't you want one for your birthday Micah? Have fun, love each other, tell good tales. (Fish tales-do they have tails?) :) XXXOOOOOO

Anonymous said...

PS- Emma looks like Paige is grabbing her big toe in the picture-and squeezing it! And Paige looks like she is too:)

Heather said...
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Heather said...

I have to second that thought about blue eyes (stork brought 4 sets of blues to me). Hey,...maybe the stork brought them to the wrong house???